Energy storage (description)

The primary goal is to store the largest possible amount of energy.
In alternative energy storage systems, a short-term supply of larger amounts of energy is often not possible. With a corresponding system design, larger amounts of energy in the millisecond range can be provided immediately.
(Crucial for this is the connection to the general power grid)

a) The PowerMaglev is simply two parallel long straight ladders. Wherein the single conductor consists of several high-temperature superconductors.
b) The cylinder coil in the graph is only listed for completeness. Due to the shape of the magnetic field in the case of cylindrical coils, it is not to be assumed that this shape is relevant under the focus considered here.
c) There are already realized electromagnetic storage systems with superconductors. These are constructed as a ring coil.

Due to the construction of the PowerMaglev an inductance between 1 mH and 10 mH per kilometer is expected.
The summation current is another decisive factor for the stored energy quantity.

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