significant amount of energy

significant amount of energy

In the primary approach of the Power Maglev project, the largest possible energy is stored temporarily (secondary approach: use of "infinite air gap").
A user of electrical energy is connected to the provider via a so-called power network.
Renewable energies have a pronounced dependence on external environmental influences during their provision. Within the framework of renewable energies, a concept was therefore created that allows sustainable use of renewable energies by means of market-regulating definitions. In this control energy market, the focus is more on a temporal staggering of the connection of conventional "energy producers".
Pure energy caches are often re-installed today as so-called "battery power plants" and their sustainability researched. Pumped storage power plants, as an established technique, currently provide the majority of the cached amount of energy.
At present, intermediate energy stores are still understood to be taxable as energy producers in the conventional sense. This must be politically changed.
The Power Maglev project can make a significant contribution in the areas of "primary reserve" or "secondary reserve".
According to the basic electromagnetic concept, it is possible to retrieve the stored amount of energy in a very short time.
If a length of 100 km is assumed, a power of 50 W per meter must be provided via the Power Maglev to be able to feed 5 MW into the power grid.
There are already superconducting magnetic energy stores that can provide about 5000 W for one hour.
Given that it is possible to achieve an energy storage density close to the range of energy storage of specialized SMES, a significant contribution could also be made to the minute reserve. So you can expect from about 2 kWh per cubic meter at specialized SMES. For a length of 100 km, this would theoretically be 200,000.00 kWh. This is at least in the power range of small pumped storage power plants.
As a result of the "application-oriented study Power Maglev with functional model" there are then parameters that describe the overall system. By means of concrete assumptions, an optimization for the "investment model project" is then carried out.
Note: The term "renewable energy" is used here as is common practice.
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